Refugee Services

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Refugee Services

Refugee Resettlement Services

Program assists new refugee families during their first few months to ease their initial transition and become self-sufficients as quickly as possible. regardless nationality, origin.

We provide initial services to orient refugees to life, securing housing, addressing medical concerns, registering children in school, applying for Social Security, applying for ID cards, and referring refugees to services. Case managers also offer counseling in home-budgeting, crisis intervention, family counseling and other areas of social adjustment. Employment is an essential element in helping refugees become economically self-sufficient.

We Conduct initial needs assessment with clients to identify initial settlement issues skills, aptitude, interests, and supportive service need, develop a work Plan for each, establishing client’s career goals, program services, training, and activities.

Refugee Social Services

We provide a variety of services designed to meet the basic human needs of clients and to assist them in planning to meet their on-going needs to attain self-sufficiency. Provides primary information and referral to Social services need including

  • Employment services
  • Case management
  • Transportation
  • Skills recertification
  • English language training
  • Vocational skills training
  • Citizenship and immigration services
  • Translation and interpretation services
  • Social adjustment services

Refugees issues & Solutions

We are committed to protect and assist refugees to find solutions that allow them to rebuild their lives. As a key resource we work hard in matters related to immigrants, refugees and other cultural minorities so that immigrants can easily access city resources and services; promote diversity by building openness and trust in the community and provide technical assistance within city government and community partners.

Refugees and immigrants face daily challenges as they re-establish their lives. Upon coming to the U.S.A. most refugees have experienced years of hardship and many face distinct challenges during their transition. The language barrier makes integration and participation into the American community very difficult. Several refugee family member do not know where to access specialized care, social services, child care, education, food, legal service.

The majority of the adults are not receiving formal education. Yet, skilled refugee or immigrants still face barriers to employment and often they find themselves in roles that they do not use fully their skills. Those barriers may contribute to a heightened sense of isolation and loneliness.

The unusually high number of arrivals expected during a short period resulted difficulty in local community planning and consequently causes delays in medical screenings, immunizations and Public assistance.

Over-crowded classrooms in public schools, difficulty in securing safe and affordable housing, in addition a longer waiting time to appropriate case management services to obtain Social Security card, interpretation service that impacted client to get early job resulting in long periods of time for refugee to become self-sufficient.

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